sustainable development
As an adventure company operating in the backcountry for 15 years, we wish to take action for the protection and conservation of our environment, the satisfaction of our customers as well as the fulfillment of the personnel working with us. We believe that our responsibility is to offer services that allow the long-term preservation of the environmental resources of the places where we operate, while respecting the communities and the cultural heritage of the region.
Although sustainable development has been omnipresent in the company's decisions since the very beginning, we see the relevance of framing this concept and communicating it, in particular through our new sustainable development policy supported by a 2020 action plan- 2025.

At Ski Chic-Chocs, we prefer to use the term sustainable development in reference to sustainable development. We believe that activities that “last” over time should represent the real limits of what ecosystems can “sustain”. This necessarily implies the cohabitation of the different users of the territory, in order to allow as many people as possible to enjoy the mountains as we know them!
Our behaviors and decisions have as guidelines:
1. Reduction and compensation of our greenhouse gas emissions ;
2. Prioritization of the purchase of materials and equipment from responsible and local brands ;
3. Responsible management of our residual materials;
4. Staff awareness for the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity ;
5. Viable financial structure and fair redistribution of income ;
6. Offer of permanent jobs allowing personal and professional development ;
7. Flexible and adapted working conditions;
8. Commitment to the quality of our services ;
9. Integration and promotion of our values in sustainable development ;
10. Protection and enhancement of the cultural and natural heritage of Ski Chic-Chocs operating sites.

1. Reduce and offset at least 50% of greenhouse gas emissions from Ski Chic-Chocs activities by 2023.
2. Prioritize the purchase of materials and equipment from responsible and local brands on at least 50% of purchases by 2023.
3. Responsible management of residual materials in the administrative office and in the Ski Chic-Chocs accommodation offer by 2022.
4. Participate in conservation efforts by raising awareness among 100% of its employees by 2025.
5. Ensure a viable financial structure with knowledge of the costs and expenses generated by the company's activities by 2023.
6. Offer at least 3 permanent jobs by 2025 while optimizing the economic benefits of activities on the local community .
7. Maintain a retention rate of employees in administration and guides above 50% by offering suitable working conditions.
8. Establish unparalleled before-during-after customer service to maintain a satisfaction rate above 90%.
9. Integrate into strategic planning and publicize the company's sustainable development approach by 2022.
10. Protect and enhance the cultural and natural heritage of Ski Chic-Chocs operating sites through an interpretation project by 2022.
Sustainable development off-piste skiing
Although there is more than one type of greenhouse gas produced, the expression CO2 equivalent allows them to be brought under the same reference value. The equivalent carbon dioxide is a reference value which is obtained by multiplying the mass of the GHG by its global warming potential. Thus, we obtain the quantitative value of the environmental impact of the greenhouse gases produced.
The calculation is based on one day of guided services and includes emissions related to transportation from Sainte-Anne-des-Monts to the Gaspésie National Park Discovery and Visitors Center, as well as snowmobile transportation to go to the Mines Madeleines.
More in detail, it is based on a round trip by carpooling with an SUV, from Sainte to the CDS, which amounts to 76.4 km per day. Then, the number of emissions will depend on the number of snowmobiles used in the field, with a consumption of approximately 14 L/100 km. For a day at Mines Madeleines, the average number of kilometers is calculated at 30 km per day. There can be up to three snowmobiles on the ground at the same time (from 35 to 55 kg).
To compensate for 35 to 55 kg of CO2 equivalent, 1 tree must be planted.
Thank you to our partner SARGIM for their regional carbon offset program!